6/4 Update
After receiving a text around midnight regarding a protester who'd been in since Sunday, we went to the jail, in the morning. BLM needed confirmation & permission from the community member to post bail. After receiving confirmation the community member was bailed out. Later today charges were dismissed. Let's really discuss the wave of empowerment around the Country. Community is making demands and politicians are listening. It's how the system is supposed to work. As far as we know, protestors have been released. There's still litigation pending on the 2 writs filed for KCSCs blatant disregard for community, for Black lives. In a surprising turn of events, the WA State Supreme Court has issued a letter acknowledging Black Oppression, and Black lives. Accountability is key. We need to demand complete equity. Direct action is necessary. Deliverables are necessary. We are seeking decarceration. For every protest case that was dismissed there are thousands that weren't.