6/2-6/3 Update


Like the late night of 6/1, the morning was focused on putting together the writs. Editing docs, filing, and following up with the Court of Appeals. The first writ was filed before the client was seen on the set over investigation calendar. The second writ was not filed prior to the hearing, despite being completed. Both clients were released and are no longer in custody. The writs were not ruled on. We are working on follow up, assisting with tracking property lost when clients were violently apprehended by SPD.
-KUOW reached out for an interview regarding police accountability, which aired at 12:45 pm.


-The afternoon: we attended KCSC’s investigation calendar in KCJ 1. There were a number of hearings set over resulting in significant delays in release. The State’s refusal to agree to release meant court took most of the day. The delays also meant even clients who were released were held for several additional hours, further compounding the impact of their incarceration.
- 2 more community members, one of which a referral was received around 11 pm on 6/1, and another received the afternoon of 6/2, were met at the RJC. Of the two one was PR’d prior to the meeting. The other had $1000 bail set at a hearing before the meeting.
-The community we’ve met:
—— A Black woman community member, arrested 5/30, who protested to advocate for a reality where she doesn’t have to fear for the life of her newborn son. She was surrounded by cops with batons and riot gear. Her unconstitutional arrest and treatment have inspired her to a life of advocacy. She will not be accepting a white supremacist reality. She’s currently safe at home with family.
——An Afro-Caribbean community member, arrested 5/30, whom was pepper sprayed twice by SPD for peacefully protesting. Not only was he violently pepper sprayed, he was jumped on then arrested, denied access to an attorney for 8 hours after arrest, and harassed during and after the booking. His family posted bail six hours ago, yet he still has not been released. As of 1130 pm, we are working on his contacting the RJC. They aren’t picking up the phone. We were on hold for over 15 minutes. Oddly, on arrest paperwork he was listed as white. A concerning practice considering SPD is supposed to track use of force information, especially as it pertains to BIPOC. See DOJ Consent Decree.
——A Queer community member, arrested 5/30, nearly concussed, was finally released on 6/2. The writ was drafted and filed. They were released. We are currently seeking property they lost during their violent arrest.
—-A Trans community member, arrested 5/31, whom ended up with a puncture wound and in solitary confinement. KCJ claims to not have the ability to properly cage people. There is no proper way but at least respect the identity of community. Thus members of the trans community are relegated to solitary confinement (administrative segregation), a recognized mode of torture. The writ was filed. This community member was released before the Court of Appeals could issue a ruling.
-We Are:
——Working on a list of people to see.
—— On 6/3 we will be at the RJC in the afternoon for second appearances.
——Putting together templates for writs that can be filed quickly.
——Making the process for filing complaints for monetary damages easier.
—-Brainstorming and action plan on how to ensure a faster process for community on release.
—-Brainstorming and action plan on how to challenge arbitrary Court Rules, and procedures, which are effective barriers to justice.
—-Court observations:
——The idea is to collect data. Show the Court community is watching them.
—-Research release issues. Motions to dismiss.

Defunding police.

Update on 6/3-
a. Court hearings were held in Seattle in KCJ, and Kent, at the RJC. Talitha attended in Seattle and Sade attended in the RJC. The goal was to assist community with representation, release, or other issues that may arise.
b. The RJC was an ethereal experience. We received a call from the young Black man indicating his case was dismissed right before entering the courthouse! There was an expectation the process to last months. As we were waiting for the young Black-woman to arrive we were notified her case was dismissed as well! Not only that, every protest case was dismissed! This is the power of community. This is the power of liberation!
c. Monday, she begins an internship at Smith Law, and you will hear about her experience.
d. It’s important to discuss the importance of reparations. What these two remarkable freedom fighters endured, was at the expense of their health and safety. They are back with their families’ but we can’t forget they’ve lost time from their lives. They were subjected to patriarchal violence
7. THE COURTS will be occupied by the national guard. Hearings were shut down again today. People took to the streets.

Talitha is working on writs as the Court continues to dismiss the importance of human lives. We are still seeking people to assist. Cash gifts will be sent community in the next few days. Plans for systemic change are in the works as well.

Let us know if there are community whom need assistance!


6/4 Update